COVID-19 Shoalhaven City Council continue to adapt to changing coronavirus public health guidelines. View the latest information on available Council services and facilities and the Shoalhaven COVID-19 response.
Asbestos Renovators need to know the precautions to take when doing renovations or repairs on their home. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate material that becomes a health risk when the fibres are released into the air and breathed in.
Food and drink Businesses that serve food to the public, includes food stalls and mobile food vending, need to know about Council’s regulations and inspections
Skin penetration services Information for businesses performing waxing, tattooing and body piercing, higher risk skin penetration services which require breaking of the skin
Legionella control Find the latest guidelines on keeping water-cooling towers free of the legionella bacteria to prevent this disease
Safe food handling Useful information on good hygiene practices in food premises that serve food to the public
Air pollution Air quality is everyone's responsibility however Council is responsible for managing complaints about air pollution and for regulating and managing vegetation burn-offs
Water pollution Find out what water pollution is, what causes it, how to report a water pollution incident and what we will do
Needle and syringe disposal Find the locations where medically generated syringes, needles and sharps can be disposed of in the Shoalhaven