Grants and funding


Each year Council works in partnership with the NSW Government and various funding organisations to support the design, implementation and completion of projects that enhance the lives of residents of the Shoalhaven as well as the preservation and conservation of our heritage.

Council's aim is to build inclusive connected communities with arts, culture, and events so that the Shoalhaven can be an active, healthy, sustainable and liveable place to thrive in.

Community-led projects are essential to this goal and Council is passionate about supporting innovative programs that build social equity and address community needs.

Preparing your grant application

Before applying, we recommend that people applying for grants take the time to familiarise themselves with the relevant grant program’s guidelines and frequently asked questions. This will help make sure you are applying for the grant that best fits your project.

Annual grant programs have been developed to align with the Shoalhaven Community Strategic Plan and all grant applications must align with these objectives and strategies.

Need support in preparing your grant application?

This one (1) hour grant writing webinar is ideal for community groups and non-profit organisations that want to improve their grant writing skills. The session provides information on what grants exist and tips on how to apply for them.

NSW Government grants

In addtion to the grants available through Shoalhaven City Council, there are a number of grants available to businesses, non-profits and individuals through the NSW Government.

Go to NSW Government Grants and Funding

Upcoming grants & funding

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Current grants & funding

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Awarded (closed) grants & funding

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