Custodians of the Land Partner with Council
Published on 09 February 2021
Shoalhaven City Council’s Bushcare program is helping to preserve, rehabilitate and maintain publicly owned natural areas in partnership with community volunteers.
Council's commitment to Bushcare, Dunecare and similar ‘Care’ groups is reaping benefits with approximately 400 volunteers, working with about 60 groups to maintain more than 100 sites between Broughton Vale and Depot Beach.
Mayor Amanda Findley is encouraging more residents to consider getting involved in Bushcare in the region.
“Everyone is welcome to help look after our natural areas. You can join an existing group or start your own group for a new area.
“Each area has its own values which reflect the rich biodiversity of the Shoalhaven. There are platypus living in the creek at Boongaree (at Berry), rare and endangered plants in Bomaderry, and most sites have areas of cultural significance, like axe grinding sites and middens.
“Council employs two Aboriginal bush regenerators who help others to understand connection to country and our collective responsibility for looking after and protecting the land. Our volunteers love learning about Aboriginal culture, including how to observe the seasons and finding evidence of our region’s original inhabitants,” said Clr Findley.
Council’s Bushcare Coordinator and Bushcare Field Officers liaise with approximately 60 Bushcare groups to help them develop and implement six-year Action Plans and activities. Council’s bush regeneration staff make routine visits to Bushcare sites and visits in response to requests for support.
Activities that volunteers can do include weed control, rubbish removal, revegetation, and for one group, plant propagation at the community nursery at Crookhaven Heads. A key role of the volunteers is in providing ongoing local care for their sites. Over the past 10 years, volunteers have done an amazing job, having worked well over 100,000 hours in the natural areas of the Shoalhaven, valued at over $3 million.
To get involved in a local Bushcare group and to learn about Bushcare activities visit Council's Bushcare page.
Image; Bushcare Regenerators Ron Carberry (far right) and Adam Crossley with Peter Swanson Council’s Bushcare Coordinator (centre).