Shoalhaven Blitzes the 2023 NSW Top Tourism Town Awards!
Published on 30 May 2023
Berry and Huskisson won gold in the tiny and small town categories of the NSW Top Town Awards; and Kangaroo Valley Bronze in the tiny town category, and Ulladulla Silver in the top town category at the Local Government NSW Destination & Visitor Economy Conference.
“We were incredibly excited to have five Shoalhaven towns listed among the 31 finalists in the NSW Top Town Awards and to bring home the gold for both Berry and Huskisson, silver for Ulladulla, and bronze for Kangaroo Valley and is incredible,” said Mayor Amanda Findley.
“We love all our towns equally and as the off-season in Shoalhaven approaches, would love to see locals and visitors support their own favourite towns and enjoy the beautiful nature, walks, whales, foods, wine and more,” Cr Findley said.
The award winners were selected based on public voting (25%) and the rich visitor content provided by Shoalhaven City Council tourism team and local Chambers of Commerce and Tourism including editorial, itinerary and video footage.
Shoalhaven finalists included Huskisson and Kangaroo Valley in the Tiny Towns under 1,500 category, Berry, Sussex Inlet in the Small Towns under 5,000 category and Ulladulla in the Top Towns Category with a population over 5,000.
Berry and Huskisson will go on to represent NSW at Australia's Top Tourism Town Awards and compete with other states later in the year.
The NSW Top Town Awards, powered by Business NSW, aim to highlight the value of tourism and the visitor economy to towns across the state by showcasing the towns, people, attractions and experiences that make NSW a 'must visit' destination.