Cambewarra Dam Decommissioning

This project is located in Cambewarra at the end of Tannery Road. Cambewarra Dam is a composite concrete gravity and earth fill embankment dam, owned and maintained by Council that is proposed to be decommissioned.

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The latest

Work has commenced with the construction team undertaking preliminary works including site establishment, vegetation removal and draining of the reservoir in preparation for the removal of the dam wall.

About the project

The Cambewarra Dam, which is over 100 years old, used to serve as a water storage facility for the Nowra township. However, it has been disused for the last 40 years and no longer fulfills any useful purpose.

In 2012, Council hired a consultant to conduct an assessment and evaluate the options for the future of Cambewarra Dam, which resulted in the decision to decommission it. This process involves removing the concrete wall and backfilling the dam site using the embankments.

Outcomes of this project include:

  • detailed design of the decommissioning of Cambewarra Dam
  • a Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
  • hydraulic analysis and modelling of the dam site post-decommissioning

Progress so far

  • Detailed Design completed
  • Tender phase is complete
  • Site work has commenced
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