Hyams Beach Master Plan - Stage 1 Works

The Hyams Beach Masterplan Stage 1 Works will provide improved open space facilities including a playground, picnic shelters, seating and landscaping in the reserve along Cyrus Street, along with a network of new paths and boardwalks to provide safer pedestrian access, the formalisation of parking along the eastern side of Cyrus Street and a new amenities building near the boat ramp.

Aerial view of Little Hyams Beach

The latest

The completion of the stairs down to the boat ramp in August 2024 has finalised the construction of Hyams Beach Stage One works. Thank you for the patience of the residents during construction which has seen a worthwhile improvement to the village of Hyams Beach

About the project

The current pedestrian, open space and parking upgrades project in Hyams Beach is one of seven Sustainable Tourism Infrastructure Projects to improve infrastructure around some of the City’s most popular tourist destinations. Council successfully obtained grant funding of $5.3 Million under the NSW Government’s Restart NSW Infrastructure Grant for the sustainable tourism infrastructure projects.

Council has been working with the Hyams Beach Villagers Association, Community Consultative Body (HBVA CCB), and other community and business representatives on options to improve the impacts of high traffic and visitor numbers to Hyams Beach during peak times.

These works are consistent with the Hyams Beach Draft Masterplan which outlines a general approach to the planning and implementation of streetscaping, open space and traffic/pedestrian improvements in the village.

The current scope of works has been branded as Stage 1 of the Masterplan implementation and includes:

  • Formalise and construct parallel parking adjacent on eastern side of Cyrus Street.
  • The installation of concrete footpath and raised boardwalk along Cyrus Street, from Aster Street, to the boat ramp access road. This addresses an identified missing link in Council’s Pedestrian and Mobility Plan (PAMP) and provides an accessible safe path of travel for pedestrians.
  • Provide recreational park facilities including a new playground, picnics shelters, seating, and landscaping. Access to these facilities to be enhanced with Disability Discrimination Act 1992 compliant pedestrian access.
  • Improve the protection of the mature Eucalypts and enhance the existing vegetation.
  • New amenities building containing two unisex accessible toilets, funded under Council's capital works program.
  • Installation of a raised walkway between Seamans Carpark and the entrance to the bush track.
  • New stairs to the boat ramp. 

Refer to the plans in the Photo Library on this web page.

Photo gallery



Amenities and other improvements

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