St Anns Street and Lyrebird Park Sewer Pump Station Upgrades

The works include upgrades of SPS 3 at St Anns Street, Nowra and SPS 2 at Lyrebird Park, Nowra and associated demolition works of redundant infrastructure.


About the project

The upgrade works align with sewer rising main upgrade works currently under construction from St Anns Street, Nowra to the Nowra wastewater Treatment Plant. 

Shoalhaven Water has identified the need to upgrade the pump stations to increase the network’s capacity and to allow for future development.

Prior to the upgrade works entering the construction phase, Council completed the following key environmental investigations:

  • Review of Environmental Factors December 2015 
  • Addendum Review of Environmental Factors June 2020.

Life Cycle

  • Review of Environmental Factors issued December 2015
  • Tender drawings issued 2016
  • Addendum Review of Environmental Factors issued June 2020.
  • Tender drawings re-issued April 2021
  • Receive Construction Tenders June 2021
  • For Construction drawings issued August 2021
  • Award Construction Contract August 2021
  • Construction Commences September 2021
  • Anticipated Construction Complete mid 2023

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