Kangaroo Valley Road - Berry Mountain - Major Landslips (3)

Kangaroo Valley Road was impacted by damages following the declared natural disaster 7 April 2024 severe weather event (AGRN 1119). Find information on the urgent repair works needed to stabilise a section of Kangaroo Valley Road, Berry Mountain, on this page.

The latest

22/11/2024 - Kangaroo Valley Road is open. Select image to view the completed landslip.

About the works

Landslip repair works

Site 1 DM01196 (AGRN 1119) rural address 466 - Kangaroo Valley Road is open.

This project is completed and was jointly funded by the Australian Government and NSW Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. 


Sign posted detours will be in place during the works (see detours map above). Alternative bus access for school pick-up and drop off is currently being investigated and affected residents will be informed prior to works commencing. 

There has been significant damage to Wattamolla Rd following the recent rain event 7 June 2024, declared natural disaster (AGRN 1129). While the road remains open, motorists are advised to detour via Moss Vale Rd. 

Resident access only: between Ben Dooley Rd and Bundewallah Rd during construction hours. Residents are advised to access via the relevant side of the work site, as there is no access through the site during these times. 

Emergency services have been notified and the contractors 'Kangaroo Valley Road Emergency Management Plan' is under Related Documents. 



Urgent repairs required

Urgent repairs are needed to stabilise a portion of Kangaroo Valley Road, Berry Mountain, that require road closures to be completed. Geotechnical engineers have identified that the structure of a portion of the road has been compromised after extreme rain events in April 2024 (declared natural disaster AGRN 1119) and needs to be addressed promptly to reduce risk of further movement of the embankment and complete failure of the road.

The section of the road impacted has been reduced to a single lane since the incident. Given the severity of the breach in the road structure council must work quickly to engage contractors to complete the work as soon as possible. Council appreciates your patience during these necessary works. Progress updates will be advised on this page, subscribe to this page for updates.


Landslip reconstruction works in-progress

Find information on the two (2) major landslip repairs completed May 2024 from declared natural disaster 5 March 2022 (AGRN 1012) East Coast Low in Works history below.

2024 Works history

15/11/2024 - Line marking and minor work are planned to be carried out next Thursday 21 November, weather permitting. Landslip reconstruction works are completed.

7/11/2024 - With significant damage on Wattamolla Rd following 7 June 2024 rain event, motorists are advised to detour via Moss Vale Rd. See detour map below. Resident access only between Ben Dooley Rd and Bundewallah Rd during works hours, via relevant side of the work site - no access through the site. See detour map below.

kangaroo-valley-rd-detour-map-(v2) 13jun24.jpg

7/11/2024 - About the works: Closures ongoing to Monday 11 November 2024, Monday to Fridays 7am to 4pm. Midday opening for waiting traffic 12pm sharp. Contraflow traffic conditions during evenings and weekends. See detour map above for alternative routes. The road will open under contraflow traffic conditions during evenings and weekends. 

Works: Road seal is done to be followed by boxout of swale and ready site for asphalt works.  Finishing off works will be carried out next Tuesday 12 November and Wednesday 13 November 2024, weather permitting. Traffic control will be removed, and the road will open.

Access: access through the repair site is available to light vehicles only - manual and electric push bikes (bicycles) may also pass through the site at scheduled opening times, including midday opening 12pm sharp. Vehicles greater than 5m in length are required to use the sign posted detour. 

Site 1 repair works nearing completion 6 November 2024

Kangaroo Valley Rd - completion a - Recover - Nov2024.jpg

10/7/2024 - Temporary ClosureClosures are ongoing to Monday 18 November 2024, Monday to Fridays 7am to 4pm. Midday opening for waiting traffic 12pm sharp. Contraflow conditions evenings and weekends. Find revised detour map under - The latest. For more details see - About the works. Subscribe to this page for updates.

13/6/2024 - Temporary ClosurePlanned closures start from Monday 24 June to 18 November 2024, Monday to Fridays 7am to 4pm. Midday opening for waiting traffic 12pm sharp. Contraflow traffic conditions during evenings and weekends. Find detour map under - The latest.

5/6/2024 - Temporary Closure: Due to urgent works needed to stabilise a section of Kangaroo Valley Road, the road will be closed from Monday 24 June, 7am to 4pm Monday to Fridays. Contraflow conditions during evenings and weekends. See Detour map on this page. Find Kangaroo Valley Road Emergency Management Plan under Related Documents. Subscribe to this page for updates.

22/5/2024 - AnnouncementKangaroo Valley Road is now open and under traffic control, with one lane open to motorists. Motorists are advised to allow an extra 5-10 minutes when travelling. Find more details under - About the works. 

22/5/2024 - Two (2) major landslips (AGRN 1012) and related repair works were completed March 2024.

18/4/2024 - Announcement: Kangaroo Valley Road is now open and under traffic control, with one lane open to motorists. The road was closed 4pm Saturday 6 April after severe rainfall threatened the stability of a section of road as well as 2 new landslip damages. Motorists using Kangaroo Valley Road are advised to allow an extra 5 – 10 minutes when travelling. 12-tonne load limit. Find more details under - About the works.

New damage: Site 1 near rural address 446 landslip damage 7 April 2024

kangaroo valley rd - DM01196 - Adam 31May24.jpg

Kangaroo Valley Road reopened

Kangaroo Valley Road is now open and under traffic control, with one lane open to motorists following declared natural disaster 7 April 2024 (AGRN 1119) severe weather and flooding event.  

The road was closed 4pm Saturday 6 April 2024 after severe rainfall threatened the stability of a section of the road. The impacted area is approximately 700 metres from the intersection of Ben Dooley Road toward Berry and showing significant cracking and signs of failure. Following a geotechnical investigation, Council has been advised to open one lane while further assessments are continuing. Motorists using Kangaroo Valley Road are advised to allow an extra 5 – 10 minutes when travelling.

Landslip repair sites (AGRN 1012)

Site 1 DM00806 rural address 1260 & Site 2 DM00805 rural address 1167 landslips completed 

 KNAGAROO VALLEY RD DM00805 site 2 - Adam - 13Mar24.jpg 

12/3/2024 - Announcement: Contraflow traffic conditions ongoing. All remaining landslip repair works are planned to be completed under contraflow traffic conditions. Guardrail (crash barrier) installation is planned for March 2024. Find details under - About the works. Subscribe to this page for updates.

27/2/2024 - Announcement: Rescheduled completion of landslip repair works at Site 2 is Monday 26 February 2024, weather permitting. The latest: Contractor Symal released revised construction program. Find the updated three-week Lookahead Program 27 February 2024 under Related Documents. Repair works and road closures at each site are also detailed under 'About the works'. 

20/2/2024 - Announcement: Planned completion of works at Site 2 is 16 February 2024, weather permitting. Intermittent full road closures at Site 2 near rural address 1167 between 9am and 1.30pm 15 February and 16 February 2024. Expect 30min delays. Otherwise, single lane contraflow traffic conditions. No pedestrian access.

2/1/7/2024 to 23/2/2024 – Updated three-week Lookahead program released each week by contractor, Symal, and published weekly on this page under ‘Related Documents’. Repair works and road closures detailed weekly for all sites under ‘About the works’. 


2023 Works history

Major landslip repair works in progress on Kangaroo Valley Road

kangaroo Valley Rd - landslip works 1 - Adam - 22Nov23.jpg

09/08/2023 to 22/12/2023 – The updated three-week Lookahead program released each week by contractor, Symal, and published weekly on this page, under ‘Related Information’. Repair works progress and road closures were also detailed weekly for all sites under ‘About the works’.

08/08/2023 - Site 1. DM00806 Works start Sunday 15 October through to Friday 20 October 2023. Site 2. DM00805 Works start Wednesday 11 October through to Friday 8 December 2023.

26/06/2023 - The latest update for this project is current. Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available.

30/03/2023 - Landslip design plan for Kangaroo Valley Road is attached. Located under - Related Information.

Landslip repair drop-in sessions:
THURS 30 March 4 – 5pm
THURS 13 April 4 – 5pm
Drop by the Kangaroo Valley Hall (177 Moss Vale Rd) where Symal and Council will answer your questions about upcoming roadworks.

17/03/2023 - Kangaroo Valley Information Session on Friday 17 March, 7pm - 8pm (followed by BBQ) at KV Community Hall. Meet contractor Symal and get briefing on the start of landslip works.

04/03/2023 - The latest construction program proposed by contractor Symal for the 38 the Major Landslip repair work has been released. The construction program lists the planned start and finish date for each of the 38 land slips. A summary of the construction program is available on the  Major Landslip Package Planned Program of Work. A copy of the construction program is also available on the right-hand side of the Master Project Page in the related documents section.

15/2/2023 - Contract awarded - Council has resolved to proceed with the appointment of infrastructure and construction group Symal to repair the 38 major landslips. Council has provided Symal a schedule of works which prioritises the most urgent landslips with the first round of works to begin in late March 2023. To view the list of major landslips and the assigned construction priorities, refer to the Major landslip package priorities on the Master Project Page

2022 Works history

22/12/2022 - Four tenders for the repair of 38 landslips were received. A comprehensive evaluation process has been completed and a recommendation has been forwarded to Public Work Advisory (PWA) for endorsement. It is anticipated that PWA will evaluate the tender acceptance report and respond to Council mid-January. Further information can be found on the Master Project Page

03/11/2022 - Following months of geotechnical investigations, design work and tender preparation, Council is now seeking contractors to bid on the 38 landslips deemed a priority. Submissions close 6 December 2022.Shoalhaven Area – Remediation of Multiple Slips – RFT – 10053781

13/09/2022 - Following record rain events, Council has recorded 98 landslides as a high priority, with a focus on 38 sites that are deemed most urgent. We've now finished geotechnical investigations at these 38 sites, leading the way for designs to be completed in the coming weeks. The designs form part of a works package that will go out to tender in October. Load limit on this road is 12Tonne

11/09/2022 - Geotechnical engineers will be conducting a site investigation on Kangaroo Valley Road, from Tuesday 13th September 2022. Borehole drilling will be conducted to inform the design.

02/09/2022 - Across the Shoalhaven, of the 98 landslides that were of highest priority, a consolidated scope of 35 will form a tender package that will be going out to market prior to Christmas. Included within that tender package is, amongst others, Woodhill Mountain, Wattamolla, and Bunkers Hill Road. The start date of contract work is likely in the new year, in the interim, regular surveillance continues.

27/07/2022 - Geotechnical investigations for Kangaroo Valley Road are currently re investigated due to the change in landslip structure that developed from the recent weather event this month. The investigation will include the scope to identify additional landslides.

07/07/2022 - Kangaroo Valley Road has been cleared from trees and debris. The road is now open with warning signs to advise of the reduced speed limits.

04/07/2022 - Kangaroo Valley Road is closed due to fallen tree's over the road and landslips.

30/06/2022 - Motorists are advised to proceed with caution over the next several days as a result of the current weather forecast.

23/06/2022 - Geotechnical services finalising recommendation.

16/06/2022 - Road remains open while Geotechnical investigation works continue.

09/06/2022 - Works currently on track with Geotechnical investigation in progress.

02/06/2022 - Road remains open while investigation works continue.  

26/05/2022 - Geotechnical investigations are underway.

Kangaroo Valley Road major landslip damage March 2022 

kangaroo valley rd 2.JPG





Stormwater pipe repair

Stormwater pipe repair works (DM00665) near rural address 321 repair of damaged 450mm stormwater pipe culvert under road.

25/9/2024 - Stormwater pipe repair works are completed. Road will be sealed at a later date, to be advised. 

Councils' Northern District construction crew will be undertaking the repair of a damaged stormwater pipe culvert under the road near rural address 321. Works include excavating and relaying the last two (2) sections of pipe, applying a concrete bandage over the affected pipe joints, and rebuilding the small section of excavated road. Works will be carried out over two (2) days, 22 and 23 September, and are planned to be completed by 5pm Monday 23 September 2024 with both lanes reopening. 

Road closures: Sunday 22 September from 7am to 5pm, with a 12pm midday sharp opening for waiting traffic. Road will be open from 5pm Sunday 22 September to 7am Monday 23 September 2024. On Monday 23 September the road will be open under contraflow traffic conditions, from 7am to 5pm at this site (near rural address 321). Road will still be closed further along at landslip site DM01196 as ongoing landslip repairs continue near rural address 466. 

See Related Documents for: Residents letter - Kangaroo Valley Road 4 September 2024

Contact: Lachlan Keighery - Northern Construction Supervisor on 1300 293 111


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