5/11/2024 - Request for quotation submission closed on the
30/10/2024. Council is currently reviewing quotation submissions.
17/10/2024 - The last update is current. Further details will be posted as they are available.
1/10/2024 - Request for quotations has been sent out for quotes from interested bidders. Closing date for quotations is 30 October 2024. Following this process council will select a preferred contractor. Works are anticipated to start early-December 2024.
9/9/2024 - The last update for this project is current. Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available.
13/8/2024 - Approval received from TfNSW, Council co-funding contribution has been arranged. Quotation from the panel of vendors will be requested in the coming weeks.
22/7/2024 - The last update is current for this project. Further updates will be posted as new information becomes available.
31/05/24 - Approval from TfNSW has been received, with a council co-funding contribution being arranged. Following this, quotes from suppliers will be requested.
25/6/2024 - The last update is current for this project. Further updates will be posted as new information becomes available.
9/5/2024 - The last update is still the most current for this repair work. Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available. Subscribe to this page for updates.
4/03/2024 - Council has received funding approval to repair 185m of Millbank Road starting 15m from the South Street intersection. Works will be undertaken in conjunction with the Terara Road works.