Turpentine Road - Tomerong - Pavement Repair

The Shoalhaven was declared a Natural Disaster Area 5 March 2022 after an East Coast Low and rain events that caused rapid deterioration to pavements and roads. Turpentine Road, Tomerong is a high-volume key travel route for the Shoalhaven LGA. This road remains one of our highest priorities and Council staff are continually monitoring and undertaking risk mitigation works to minimise defects.

The latest

11/12/2024 - Repairs have been successfully carried out, and the work is now complete

6/11/2024 - Line marking will be carried out next week, Wednesday 13 November and Thursday 14 November 2024, weather permitting.

Repair works start at Site 4 near Lot 3 Turpentine Road

About the works

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Stage 1 Pavement repairs

Stage 1: Pavement repair from chainage CH4900m to chainage CH6200m - completed.

Stage 2 Pavement repairs

Stage 2: Pavement repair from chainage CH6200 to CH13000 - completed. 

Site 1: Chainage 8520 - 8900 near Lot 74 - repair works completed. 

Site 2: Chainage 9100 - 9740 near Lot 101 - repair works completed.

Site 3: Chainage 11160 - 12100 near Lot 4 - repair works completed. 

Site 4: Chainage 12220 - 12920 near - Lot 3 - repair works completed.  

Length of Site 1 and Site 2 repair sites 

Map of Site 1 and 2 road repairs Turpentine Road

Following declared natural disaster 14 September (AGRN 1034), several damaged sections of Turpentine Road were endorsed by TfNSW for Natural Disaster Funding. this funding primarily endorsed disconnected patches of pavement for repair. the sections that were not endorsed by TfNSW will be repaired by Councils' co-contribution funding.

The combined area of the four (4) sites scoped and scheduled for repair is equal to approximately 20000 metres squared. Stabilising the sections of pavement repairs with new wearing course has been approved as the most practical and cost-effective treatment method to restore full road width to Turpentine Road. Additionally, this will minimise the number of vulnerable edges, reducing the likelihood of future damage between repaired sections of pavement. 

Council has engaged contractor Fulton Hogan to deliver the planned repair works program starting from Tuesday 1 October to Wednesday 30 October 2024. 

Image gallery

Stage 2 repair sites 

2024 Works history

18/10/2024 - Remediation works on Turpentine Road are completed ahead of schedule. Line marking has been scheduled for mid-November 2024. Further updates will be provided here. Subscribe for updates. 

3/10/2024 - Stage 2 Pavement Repair Works: Councils' contractor, Fulton Hogan, confirmed they will establish on site Monday 30 September 2024 to start repair works Tuesday 1 October 2024 at Site 4 rural address Lot 3.  

Stage 2, Site 1 to 4, repair works are expected to be completed end of October, weather permitting. Updates will be posted here. Subscribe to this page for updates.

23/9/2024 - Stage 2: Councils' contractor, Fulton Hogan, have confirmed they will start planned repair works Tuesday 1 October 2024 at Site 4 near Lot 3 Turpentine Road.

12/9/2024 - Site 2 CH 6000 - 13000: Request for quotations have been received. Further information and updates will be provided as the tender evaluation concludes. Subscribe to this page for updates.

13/8/2024 - Site 2 CH 6000 - 13000: Request for quotations have been made to road contractors to carry out the road remediation (repair) work. Updates will be provided here as new information becomes available.

15/7/2024 - Turpentine Rd pavement repair from chainage CH4900m to chainage CH6200m is completed.

27/6/2024 - The last update is current for this project. Updates will be provided here. 

13/5/2024 - Turpentine Road pavement is sealed. Guidepost installation and line marking is scheduled for mid-May 2024, weather permitting.

28/03/24 - Announcement: Re-scheduled repair works. Spray Seal wearing course has been re-scheduled for Wednesday 3 April and Thursday 4 April 2024.

20/3/24 - Works have progressed well considering adverse weather conditions. A spray seal wearing course is scheduled for Friday 22 March 2024.

13/3/24 - Construction is underway and expected to be completed late next week. Changed traffic conditions are in place and short delays can be expected.

4/3/24 - Rehabilitation works are to commence on Thursday 7th March, completion due end of March 2024.

14/2/24 - Commencement date was re-scheduled due to weather and resource clashes.


2023 Works history

21/12/23 - Construction is scheduled for mid January 2024. Changed traffic conditions will be in place.

08/09/2023 - Council has submitted the scope of work to TfNSW and is awaiting funding approval.

13/04/2023 - Council have requested approval to undertake geotechnical investigations to guide pavement repairs. Speed zones have been reviewed and certain sections are being brought back up to 90km/h with some speed restrictions remaining in place.

31/03/2023 - Advanced warning signs and variable message boards are in place.  Pothole patching has been completed with scheduled pothole patching being carried out on a weekly basis. Currently speed restrictions are in place, however inspections are being conducted to review the current speed restrictions. Road users are being asked to drive to conditions.

24/02/2023 - Council staff are awaiting determination from TfNSW of the funding approvals for works that have been scoped. Please drive to conditions.


2022 Works history

27/11/2022 - Council staff are working with TfNSW to rectify damages on a larger scale along Braidwood and Turpentine Roads. At present the speed along these roads is being reduced to 60km/h with regular pothole filling being undertaken. Staff are scoping damages in order to prepare a tender. Estimated completion timeframe for scoping and speed reduction is 4 weeks.




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