The Shoalhaven region provides an awesome backdrop to stage a broad-spectrum of events. Located on the beautiful NSW south coast we are bordered by mountains, coastal plains and 100 magnificent beaches with 49 towns and villages.
We are the number one destination for overnight visitation in New South Wales outside of Sydney.
Travelling to this beautiful coastal destination is easy from:
- Sydney - a two hour drive south of 160 kilometres
- Canberra - a two-and-a-half-hour drive north of around 200 kilometres
- Wollongong - just over a one hour drive south of 78 kilometres
Our proximity to these huge domestic markets makes the Shoalhaven a popular event destination.
Our dedicated Events Team works closely with organisers to make sure events are safe and successful, and run smoothly across all our superb venues and facilities in the Shoalhaven.
Please note: Event applications must be returned to 90 days in advance of your event.
We are here to help you stage a great event.
Our Events Team supports event organisers, including:
- corporate groups
- community groups
- sport and recreation groups
- individuals
We offer information, advice and access to a range of resources and services, including:
- information on how to book a venue, park or reserve
- event guidance to host your own activities, including assistance with temporary road closures, council approvals, risk plans, food safety and waste management
- introductions to local agencies and community organisations
- the tourism event support program
- free event listing on the Shoalhaven Tourism events page (conditions apply)
Our Events Team can also provide helpful information and assistance ahead of your event including:
- event planning
- booking venues, sports grounds and facilities
- how to promote your event
- how to gain sponsorship
- how to conduct post-event evaluation
- risk management
- crowd management
- traffic management
- food and alcohol requirements
- fundraising
- use of fireworks
- noise control
- other regulations and requirements
If you would like to discuss how we can support your event in more detail, please reach out to our Events team at
An event may require a development application (DA) to be submitted and approved by Council.
If you are running a new event or your event is on private land, we suggest you contact Council's Duty Planner to see if a DA is required.
Your event may require several sections of Council, and external bodies to be involved in the approval process, so the DA must be prepared well ahead of time.
Please allow a minimum of three (3) months for Council approval, it is recommend to discuss your event with Council six (6) to twelve (12) months out from your event date.
For more details, please contact our Development Services Team.
If you would like to hold an event in the Shoalhaven at a Council Facility or on Council owned or managed land, please complete an event application form and email it along with supporting documents to our Events Team (
Ensure you have read the Events Policy and the Terms and Conditions of Hire/Use prior to completing and submitting the Event Application.
Please note the important following points:
- Complete Event Applications, along with all supporting documentation (checklist on page 4, section 12 of the application) must be submitted together. The Event Application is not considered complete until all supporting documentation has been submitted. Incomplete applications may cause assessments to be delayed.
- Event Applications and supporting documents must be submitted at least 60 days out from the event date. Late Fees will apply for applications received under 60 days.
- Event Application Fees will be charged on receipt of the event application. Payment must be received before the assessment of the application is carried out.
- Fees are set as per Shoalhaven City Council’s Fees & Charges.
- Event Applications will be assessed and permitted based on the documents submitted at the time of the application, this includes but is not limited to attendee numbers, site plans and schedules.
- Event Organiser’s are responsible for submitting accurate plans based on the proposed event.
- Significant changes to the event application must be submitted at least 6 weeks out from the event date. A new event application and supporting documentation may be requested. Additional event application and late fees will apply.
- Last minute change requests may not be supported.
The event organiser will be required to submit a NSW Police Notice and Request for Services form to the police. The event organiser can access the form via the Events Team (
All traffic documents will also need to be submitted to police ( by the event organiser.
Any council approval is subject to police approval and will be made void if police issue an objection, or their conditions are not met.
Depending on your event and what it involves, you may need additional approvals from us or other authorities.
Traffic management approvals
For all road closures, traffic stoppages or changed traffic conditions, Shoalhaven City Council will require you to submit traffic management plans showing how you intend to manage this part of your event.
Your traffic plans must include:
- locations of road closures
- timings of road closures and re-openings
- how you will manage the road closures and openings
- impact on public transport operators and routes.
When submitting your traffic management plan, you will also be required to submit your event site plan, risk management plan, Certificate of Currency and appropriate traffic guidance schemes (traffic control plans).
Class 1 and 2 events will be referred to the Local Traffic Committee for assessment, which comprises representatives from Shoalhaven City Council, NSW Police, RMS, a local councillor and the local state member of Parliament.
Please ensure your traffic management plans are sent to council 90 days prior to your event to allow for meeting schedules of the committee, as well as the notification period for NSW Police.
All event organisers must refer to the NSW Guide to Traffic & Transport Management for Special Events when considering traffic impacts. Created by the NSW Police, local government and Roads and Maritime Services, the guide points out statutory requirements where they exist and makes best-practice recommendations where they do not.
How to submit your traffic plans
Traffic management plans need to be submitted via a Section 138 (S138) application, this is required for events or works in the road reserve. A how-to guide has been listed in the related documents below to assist you in submitting your application.
Please submit the application and the following supporting documentation through the through the NSW Planning Portal:
- section 138 application
- $20 million public liability insurance
- traffic management plan
- traffic guidance schemes (traffic control plans) - prepared by a person holding the appropriate RMS accreditation
- event site plan
When entering the address, please use Lot/DP number. You must check the ‘and adjacent to selected lot’, ‘Lot/Section/Plan’ and ‘Primary address?’ buttons.
Please note: All event plans including traffic management documents also need to be submitted to the Events Team (
Mobile and temporary food stalls
Please note: The event organiser must ensure that the below information is submitted to the Environmental Services Team at least ten (10) working days prior to the event to enable sufficient time for assessment and administrative processing.
The event organiser must ensure that all mobile food or temporary food operators have obtained a Section 68 approval under the Local Government Act (1993) to operate in the Shoalhaven City Council Local Government Area.
To assist organisers with this, a blanket application where all food operators are captured under the one (1) Section 68 approval can be submitted.
Refer to the example excel spreadsheet (below) outlining the required information to be included as an attachment in the submission:
Lodge your submission through the NSW Planning Portal
Lodge online via NSW Planning Portal
Amusement devices (amusement rides)
Please note: The event organiser must ensure that the below information is submitted via the NSW Planning Portal to the Certification Team at least ten (10) working days prior to the event to enable sufficient time for assessment and administrative processing.
A Section 68 (part F) approval under the Local Government Act (1993) must be obtained to operate amusement rides as part of an event in the Shoalhaven City Council Local Government Area.
The event organiser can submit one submission per event OR the amusement operators can submit individual submissions via the NSW Planning Portal, which includes the Certificate of Registration and Public Liability Certificate of Currency per ride/amusement device.
Amusement devices that are not required to be registered under the Work, Health and Safety Regulation 2017 are not required to be included in this application
Lodge your submission through the NSW Planning Portal
Lodge online via NSW Planning Portal
SafeWork NSW must approve fireworks events. For more information on how to gain approval, visit SafeWork NSW's page on Fireworks.
An event application or park booking will likely be required as part of your approval process from Council, please ensure you contact our events team ( to discuss your firework display.
Council encourages the consideration and implementation of sustainability measures that can reduce the environmental impact of your event.
Council has prepared a Sustainable Events Guide to assist you with this process. When holding even event on Council owned or managed land please prepare and attach a Sustainable Event Management Plan for your event.
Further information (including a template for a Sustainable Event Management Plan) is included in the Event Policy.
Are you planning an event? Did you know that you are legally required to provide access for people with disability? The best way of ensuring access for everyone is to plan for accessibility and inclusion when you first start planning your event. This means thinking about the accessibility needs of attendees, staff, speakers, performers, and exhibitors who may have a disability. Access and inclusion for events also supports parents with prams, the elderly and people with temporary disability following surgery.
The NSW Government has developed a Toolkit for Accessible and Inclusive Events which aims to assist event organisers in creating an event that is accessible to all members of the community. The Toolkit also provides a checklist of access solutions you could apply to your event.
In the case of a community event, a guest with accessibility needs (an 'accessibility guest') includes:
- a person with mobility needs (someone who uses a wheelchair or mobility aid)
- a person with sensory considerations (people affected by migraines, autistic people, etc.)
- older people
- a person with a temporary injury or illness
- parents with prams
To supplement the information shown on your site plan, please attach written evidence to show how you have addressed the following in the context of your event:
- various forms of accessible communication including up to date access information, signage and websites that comply with the International Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (minimum level 2.0)
- public and/or private transport options to and from your event (door to door accessibility)
- safety considerations/risk management for accessibility guests, including controlling of crowd numbers, security, evacuation procedures and guide dogs
- holistic sensory considerations (e.g. considerations for acoustics, lighting, crowd management, managing sources of strong smells, designated quiet spaces, etc.)
- staff/volunteer disability awareness training
Before you create a listing, it’s worth having a search on the Shoalhaven Tourism events page to check your event hasn’t been listed by someone else.
A listing takes about 20 minutes to create, and you will need:
- a description
- an image (not a logo or poster)
- ticketing or pricing information
- contact details
- website and social media profiles (if you have them)
You can choose one of two ways to get your event listed on our Shoalhaven Tourism website:
List your event on ATDW
The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW), also known as Get Connected, is a database we and other tourism organisations use to pull event listings from.
An ATDW listing is best if you want your event to be featured on multiple sites, for example:
ADTW listing advantages include:
- submitting your event information once for multiple website placements
- your event can be renewed and updated annually
An ATDW listing is also beneficial if your event is tourism focused and big enough to warrant a little extra time setting up the listing.
Listing your event on ATDW is free and takes around twenty minutes to create. If you are registering a new account, you will need general details of your organisation.
To create a listing, go to the ATDW website:
Add an event to ATDW
List your event with us directly
Your event must be approved by our tourism marketing team to feature on our site.
A Shoalhaven Tourism website listing is best when:
- you want your event to be listed only on our Shoalhaven Tourism website
- you prefer a slightly easier process and are not concerned it will have a smaller reach
- you are aware featured events must suit the tourism market and attract out-of-area visitors
To submit your event, go to the Shoalhaven Tourism website and complete the online form:
Add an event
For more details please contact Shoalhaven Tourism.

Need help promoting your event in the Shoalhaven? The Shoalhaven Tourism Team have a range of tools and offerings to help market your event.
Marketing plans
Marketing plan template
Would you like access to a sample event marketing plan that can be used for your event?
Contact the Events Team today ( to request a copy.
Marketing and promotion workshops
Book a one hour event promotions workshop with our Tourism and Economic Development marketing and events teams.
Bring along your draft event marketing plan and have a one-on-one session with the team to get some tips and trips to help you promote your event across the Shoalhaven.
Social media support
Tag us online!
Be sure to tag us on social media '@visitshoalhaven' (Facebook or Instagram), and use the #Shoalhaven #LoveShoalhaven #FeelNSW #NewSouthWales and #SeeAustralia tags, so that we can stay in the loop and re-share your events where appropriate.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see the type of content we’re regularly sharing:
Off-peak seasonal carousel
Each off-peak season (Autumn, Winter and Spring), Shoalhaven Tourism will have an event carousel on Facebook and Instagram promoting up coming events in the region. We offer this free service to help promote events across the region during the off-peak season, and takes the form of a boosted post to people within the region.
If you would you like to be included in our seasonal social media carousel, please send your expression of interest to the events team via Spaces are limited and will be reviewed each season based on submissions received.
To be eligible, please submit the following via email:
- a link to your current event listing on our tourism website
- two (2) to three (3) high resolution (at least 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels) images to accompany your event - ideally in a square format
- your event or company's social media handles for Facebook and Instagram (if applicable)
The annual cut-off dates for submitting your expression of interest for each season are as follows:
- Autumn - must be submitted by the first week of February
- Winter - must be submitted by the first week of May
- Spring - must be submitted by the first week of August
Tourism gift shop support
Shoalhaven Tourism have a fantastic online shop, that has a range of local produce and branded promotional items: Shop - Shoalhaven - South Coast NSW.
The Team is excited to offer local event organisers a special event code to get a discounted rate on items from the shop!
Need gift packs for speakers, winners or special guests at your event? We can also help you pull together custom packs! Contact the Events Team for the code or more information.
Visitor Support pop-up stores
Would you like our Visitor Services team to bring the Shoalhaven Tourism branded van and pop-up shop along to your event?
The friendly Visitor Services staff can share information about the Shoalhaven with your attendees, hand out visitor guides and sell Shoalhaven branded merchandise at your event. Get in touch with the events team to find out more.
Please note: All requests will be considered based on staffing availability and must be received at least two (2) months prior to the event date.
Advertising on tourism websites
You’re eligible to create a FREE event listing that will appear on our events website.
There are two ways to do this, the first is by creating a listing on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW), which has the added benefit of making your event appear on a range of other local and state tourism websites such as Visit NSW, and Grand Pacific Drive all from the one listing. You have full control over the content of this listing, and any changes you make will automatically publish to all sites pulling from ATDW.
Alternatively, you can add an event to our tourism website directly.
Need help uploading your first ATDW listing or editing an existing one? Contact the Visitors Services team via phone on 02 4421 0778 or email at or just pop into the visitor centres at Nowra or Ulladulla and they can show your how it’s done!
Featured events
The events team will feature a range of events on the top feature events slider, which will be updated regularly. Events are selected to promote a broad range of upcoming events across the whole of the Shoalhaven.
Advertising at visitor centres
The Visitors Services Team can stock your event flyers at the visitor centres in Nowra, Ulladulla, Jervis Bay and our satellite sites on request, ready to hand out to customers who are looking for activities in the region.
Please note:
- we can only accept DL size flyers (we are unable to accept posters)
- there is a limit of 50 flyers per site
- flyers must be supplied by the event organiser
All requests to display flyers must be submitted in writing to the Events Team via email ( prior to dropping off flyers at the visitor services centres.
Advertising on roadside signage
Want to advertise your event on the Shoalhaven Tourism Princes Highway roadside board in South Nowra?
This space is available to hire for event organisers during specific times throughout the year. The event organiser is required to pay for the cost of signage design, print and installation.
To enquire or find out more information, send your request to
Please note: Availability depends on Council’s own use of the site and if other events that have already requested use of it.
Advertising in the Visitor Guide
If you hold an annual or regular event, you have the option to include an advertisement (fees apply) in the annual Visitor Guide which is distributed each December.
The visitor guide is downloaded by thousands of people online, which a further 80,000 printed copies given out throughout the year.
Contact the Visitors Services Team between May – July each year to have your event advertisement included in the Visitor Guide.
Contact to be added to the expression of interest list.
Other support we offer
Media releases
Depending on an event's target audience and scope, some events will be included in the Tourism Team's annual marketing campaign media releases. This will be assessed by the marketing team on a case-by-case basis.
Photography and videography support at events
Does your event lack visual marketing and promotional collateral? Kate Rivers our in-house photographer and Andy Zakeli our videography can come along to your event to help capture content for future promotions (pending availability).
Shoalhaven Visitor Guides
Promotional booklets can be provided to event organisers to include in attendee welcome packs (pending stock availability). These items would need to be collected from the Visitor Services Team located in the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Nowra.
Access to our content database
High-resolution photos of the region, along with video 'B-Roll' that can be used in event promotions of the region (Website, EDMs, Social media etc). Reach out to the team to see what is available for you to utilise when promoting your event being held in the Shoalhaven.
You can also use destination imagery from our Flickr account as part of your promotional material.
Access to tourism and target market data
Access to local South Coast media list