Shorebird recovery
We work closely with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, other government agencies, shorebird support groups and landowners to protect the breeding activities of four (4) species of endangered shorebirds:

Photo credit: Leo Berzins
Photo credit: Leo Berzins

Photo credit: Leo Berzins

Photo credit: Leo Berzins
How you can protect shorebirds
Shorebirds nest along beaches in the Shoalhaven.
We can all play our part in protecting these endangered creatures:
- If you are taking your dog for a walk make sure it is on a leash
- Stick to the wet sand, as these birds’ nest on dry areas
- Keep your distance from shorebirds and their eggs
- Pay attention to shorebird nesting signs
Learn how dog walkers can share the shore. Video prepared by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
How we protect shorebirds
Predator control
- Especially foxes and ravens
Signage and community education
Assisting landowners in adjoining target zones with fox control
- A combination of baiting, trapping and shooting is conducted in adjoining areas in National Parks, Council reserves and on private lands generally within 5km of the nesting sites - baiting generally runs between August and March
Ranger presence at beaches to enforce regulations regarding dogs during tourist times
- Dogs are prohibited in wildlife protection areas and other designated prohibited areas. Dogs must be on leash in all other areas and are only permitted to be off-leash in designated areas
- Please contact Council's Ranger Services if you have concerns about dogs near shorebird prohibited areas
Council’s efforts have been assisted by grant funding from various State and Commonwealth Government programs.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service undertake the main responsibilities for the Shorebird Recovery Program.