Threatened fauna

The Shoalhaven region is home to hundreds of fauna (animal) species including many threatened birds, mammals, reptiles and fish. Our local government area contains approximately 37% of the listed threatened animal species in NSW.

Council has responsibility to help preserve the natural environments and habitats that our threatened species rely upon.

Development applications are required to consider the effects of proposed development on  threatened species and biodiversity in the Shoalhaven by consulting the Shoalhaven Development Control Plan Chapter G5: Biodiversity Impact Assessment.


2024 Snapshot

There are 158 threatened fauna species known to occur in the Shoalhaven. Of these, 129 species are listed under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and 99 species are listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.

View full list of Shoalhaven Threatened Fauna


Special to the Shoalhaven!

The Shoalhaven is home to some iconic threatened wildlife species including the:

  • Glossy-Black Cockatoo
  • Koala
  • Greater Glider
  • Green & Golden Bell Frog
  • Powerful Owl

Lesser-known species include:

  • White-footed Dunnart
  • Giant Burrowing Frog
  • New Holland Mouse
  • Grey-headed Flying Fox

How you can help

  • Learn about providing habitat for local threatened species in urban environments – Sharing Your Space
  • Get involved in citizen science by recording sightings of our local flora and fauna through these apps – iNaturalist or FrogID
  • Support or volunteer to help threatened species as a part of the NSW Saving Our Species program.