Threatened flora

The Shoalhaven region is particularly rich in flora (plant) species and a wide variety of habitat types, due to large intact natural areas that stretch from the escarpment to the coast. Our local government area contains approximately 11% of the listed threatened plant species in NSW.

Council has responsibility to help preserve our natural environments and maintain threatened species habitats.

Development applications are required to consider the effects of proposed development on  threatened species and biodiversity in the Shoalhaven by consulting the Shoalhaven Development Control Plan Chapter G5: Biodiversity Impact Assessment.


2024 Snapshot

There are 77 threatened flora species listed under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 that are known to occur in the Shoalhaven. Of these species, 56 are also listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.

View Full List of Shoalhaven Threatened Flora


Only in the Shoalhaven!

The Shoalhaven is home to several threatened plant species that are found nowhere else in the world such as critically endangered orchids Pterostylis ventricosa and Pterostylis vernalis, shrubs Bomaderry Zieria (Zieria baeuerlenii) and Nowra Heath Myrtle (Triplarina nowraensis), and the Albatross Mallee tree (Eucalyptus langleyi).

How you can help