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How to report a lost or found pet, or a deceased animal for collection.
What you need to know about keeping cats, dogs and livestock on your property.
Lodge a complaint about a barking dog, report a dog attack or solve a problem about poultry or livestock.
Find out how to microchip and register your pet. If they become lost it helps you find them, and it’s required by law.
Learn practical steps pet owners can take to ensure they are practicing responsible dog ownership.
Find out where our off-leash areas are so you can exercise your dog and which areas are prohibited spaces.
Find out more about declared dogs (restricted, menacing or dangerous) and how to be a responsible owner.
Council has a step-by-step process for dealing with complaints about barking dogs.
What to do if you find an injured, orphaned or deceased native animal.
Find out how to report feral pests and the information that is most useful and what else you can do about them.
Find out about Shoalhaven Animal Shelter and the benefits of animal adoption.