Not all paper items are recyclable.
What paper is recyclable
- Newspapers
- Office paper
- Brochures and catalogues
- Magazines
- Wrapping paper
- Paper packaging (eg: sugar)
How/where to dispose of it
Recycle these papers via the yellow lid bin or Council's recycling and waste depots.
What happens to it after we receive it
Paper is sent to VISY, Australia's largest paper recycler to be made into paper and cardboard products.
What paper is NOT recyclable
- Absorbent, soft papers (paper towels and napkins)*
- Shredded paper*
- Paper soiled with food*
- Sales receipts
- Facial tissues
- Paper pieces smaller than a DL envelope
How/where to dispose of it
* These paper items can go into your compost.
Alternatively dispose of all non-recyclable paper into your red lid bin.
What happens to it after we receive it
The contents of the red lid bin go directly to landfill.
Last updated on 18 September 2024