Plastic (other)

Only hard plastic packaging containers be recycled via the yellow lid bin.

Many products and packaging are made from plastic. Unfortunately most of it cannot be recycled via the yellow lid bin.

'Other plastics' are all plastics not covered in the hard plastic containers category including

  • Toys
  • Kitchenware
  • Garden pots
  • Decorative items
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Desk accessories

Before you throw it out

Consider reuse where you can. Council's buy-back centres may accept your items that are in good condition or donate to an Op-shop.

How/where to dispose of it

For small items dispose of into your red lid bin.

Larger items dispose of at Council’s recycling and waste depots.

Will it cost anything to get rid of?

Disposal costs apply at the depots.

What happens to it after we receive it?

Both the contents of the red lid bin and plastic items disposed of at the depots go directly to landfill.

Last updated on 27 September 2024