Home sustainability workshops


Autumn season has finished. Workshops will recommence in Spring.

Workshop dates are announced first in Waste Services ReNewsable e-newsletter.

Council offers a range of workshops to residents at different points in the year to help you reduce waste and live more sustainably.

Composting at home

Find out how easy it is to successfully transform household wastes into quality compost, a valuable plant food that improves all aspects of soil health.

This workshop explains the main principals of composting and provides you with the necessary skills to create, maintain, troubleshoot and use compost. 

This three (3) hour workshop is suitable for all, from beginners to accomplished composters and will comprise of both indoor and outdoor sessions.

At the completion of the workshop, you will be given a 'compost coupon' which entitles your household to receive one compost bin for free.

View upcoming workshops

Introduction to worm farming

Just how do worms convert your kitchen scraps into garden gold?

What sort of worms go in a worm farm? What do they eat and how much? Come along and find out the answers!

This two (2) hour workshop will teach you the practical skills to set up and maintain a healthy worm farm at home.

Home organic vegetable gardening

Food grown using organic methods is healthier for you and for the environment. Learn the fundamental concepts and basic skills to grow your own organic vegetables at home.

This three (3) hour workshop includes, what to consider when choosing a site, managing water, planting, fertilising naturally and mulching. We will also demonstrate the No-Dig gardening method.

Make your own beeswax wraps

Are you looking for a natural, reusable, more sustainable, low cost alternative to plastic cling wrap and bags to store food? It is estimated that the average family uses hundreds of meters of cling wrap, that costs hundreds of dollars per year. 

By using Beeswax wraps you can greatly reduce the amount of single use plastic you use and throw away. Beeswax wraps made using cotton, can be washed and reused many times.  

In this two (2) hour workshop you will learn: 

  • what are beeswax wraps 
  • the benefits of using beeswax wraps
  • about suitable fabrics
  • where to purchase ready-made wraps and ingredients
  • how to make your own

In this workshop you will make a beeswax wrap to take home! 

View upcoming workshops