About your red lid bin

Red lid bin waste goes straight into landfill. This means that valuable resources, materials and items that could have continued on to be used in other ways, ends up lost and buried in a landfill site.

Items that can go in your red lid bin

Red lid bins are ONLY for general domestic waste.  

Items that should NEVER go in your red lid bin

Items that are hazardous to the environment end up leeching harmful chemicals and toxins into the earth if they end up in landfill. They can also seriously hurt truck drivers and depot staff as they handle and transport the waste.

To keep our environment and workers safe, there are a number of items that should NEVER go in your red-lid bin:

  • batteries of any kind, poisons, chemicals, flammable liquid, flares, light bulbs and other hazardous items (see your options for free disposal of household problem and hazardous waste)
  • electronic waste including mobile phones (free disposal at recycling and waste depots)
  • building waste (see your options for disposal of building waste)
  • items that are too heavy (your red lid bin has a 60kg limit)

Ways to avoid sending items to landfill

There are many reuse and recycling options available for common household items to help you avoid sending items to landfill. For example:

  • if the item is in good condition, consider re-use first. Re-home your unwanted items by selling them online, donating to charity, or taking them to a Council buy-back centre
  • find out what can be recycled through your yellow lid bin
  • textiles, polystyrene and other household items can be recycled for free at Council's recycling and waste depots
  • non-meat food waste, lawn clippings and shredded paper can be composted through a compost bin. Attend one of our composting workshops to learn everything you need to know to get started.

Benefits of diverting waste away from landfill

Beyond the benefits to our environment and community, there are also financial benefits to reducing the amount of waste going into your red lid bin.

Did you know red lid bins come in three sizes? As you divert more waste away from your red lid bin, you might find that a smaller red lid bin would suit your household better.

If you choose to downsize your red lid bin, you end up paying less each year for the collection service that makes up part of your rates.