Comment sought on proposed location of boxing club

Published on 28 February 2024


Shoalhaven residents are being asked to comment on the proposed location of a boxing club at Clifton Park in Sanctuary Point.

While Council has previously sought feedback on the Bay and Basin Boxing Club proposal from key stakeholders, it would now like to hear from residents within a 400-metre radius of the proposed facility.

Council resolved in October last year (2023) to provide in-principle support for Clifton Park as the preferred location for the new Bay and Basin Boxing Club facility, based on investigations undertaken to date and subject to further consultation.

At the same time, it asked staff to engage with the community on the proposal and to prepare a further report “outlining the results of engagement activities and further recommendations in relation to the establishment of facilities at Clifton Park to house the Bay and Basin Boxing Club”.

Council’s Director – City Lifestyles, Jane Lewis, is encouraging local residents to comment on the proposal.

“Council’s decision-making will be guided very much by the feedback residents provide us as part of the engagement process.

“As a Council we are committed to genuine engagement and I would encourage all those with an interest in the proposal to make the most of this opportunity,” Ms Lewis said.

“It is important to note that Council has not committed any funding towards this project and we are simply seeking feedback on the proposed location.

“If there is to be a financial impact it will need to go back to Council for further consideration,” she said.

The Bay and Basin Boxing Club approached Council in 2022 seeking land in Sanctuary Point on which it could build a 20x20 metre shed and associated infrastructure including parking, access pathways and landscaping.

Two potential locations were identified at the time – Clifton Park and Sanctuary Point Oval – with Clifton Park identified as the preferred location in preference to Sanctuary Point Oval.

There is sufficient space for a 20x20 shed at Clifton Park alongside the existing Men’s Shed.

Council has no money allocated towards the project. The proponent intends to build and fit-out the structure using grand funds and will meet any ongoing costs.

A community survey on the proposal is available online until 5pm on Tuesday 5 April.

For more information and to complete the online survey, visit the Bay and Basin Boxing Club Get Involved web page.