Council Planning to Stimulate Housing in Nowra City Centre
Published on 16 September 2021
Image: Nowra CBD
Shoalhaven City Council is asking for initial feedback to help identify opportunities for residential development in the Nowra City Centre.
This follows Council’s decision in May 2021 to review current building height and zoning controls in Nowra City Centre. The review will consider whether changes are needed to help encourage appropriate development and potentially bring more residents into the City Centre.
The review is part of Council’s wider efforts to revitalise the Nowra City Centre and promote affordable housing opportunities - key priorities of Council’s strategic planning and the NSW Government’s recently released Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan.
Currently, buildings can be up to 20m (6 storeys) in parts of the City Centre and up to 12m (4 storeys) in the surrounding mixed-use zone.
Council’s Acting City Futures Director, Gordon Clark, said that it is now appropriate to reassess the current planning controls considering recent events and heightened interest in the City Centre.
“COVID-19 and major improvements to the Princes Highway are driving a surge in new residents moving to Shoalhaven. This is placing pressure on the local housing market to provide affordable housing options that are close to employment and services.
Nowra City Centre is ideally placed to help meet this need so it is important that our development controls continue to encourage and support appropriate development opportunities”.
Mr Clark said that Council is seeking preliminary feedback to help identify possible key locations in the centre where increased building height could be considered.
“We will then undertake a range of technical assessments – urban design, visual impact and economic feasibility - and community consultation before we consider what changes may be appropriate and where.”
Expressions of interest nominating potential locations should be submitted to Council in writing before 5:00pm on Friday 15 October 2021.
Council will review submissions against several criteria and determine which locations to consider in detail as part of the review.
Further details on the criteria and how to submit an expression of interest are available on Council’s website.