Covid-19 Community Facilities Update

Published on 17 December 2020

Website Tiles 2020-COVID Update.jpg

As restrictions continue to ease, the following changes have come into effect as of 7 December 2020 for community halls, sportsgrounds and showgrounds:

Indoor Events – Community Centres and Halls

Capacity must not exceed one customer per 2 square metres of publicly accessible space. The density limit does not apply if there are 25 customers or less at the premises.

Support 1.5m physical distancing where possible, particularly at points of mixing or queuing such as toilets and entrance and exit points. There should be 1.5m physical distance between seated groups where practicable. (optional)

Maximum capacity caps will be removed subject to the 2 square metre rule for:

  • weddings
  • funerals
  • regional agricultural shows
  • corporate events
  • religious services.


Singing and Dancing:

  • up to 50 performers indoors, no maximum cap outdoors
  • advice is for congregation/audience to continue wearing masks if singing.


 High energy dance, such as Zumba or similar classes, can spread COVID-19 if a participant is infected. There should be additional planning around these activities including:

  • Additional physical distancing or smaller class sizes
  • Cleaning with detergent and disinfectant after each class
  • Holding these classes in large spaces with high ceilings and good ventilation
  • If partnered dancing, avoid rotation of partners.


Outdoor public spaces:

  • up to 100 people for outdoor gatherings (up from 50)
  • up to 5,000 people for outdoor events that are fenced, ticketed and seated (subject to the 2 square metre rule)
  • up to 3,000 people for other organised outdoor events i.e. community sport and outdoor protests (subject to the 2 square metre rule).
  • For community sporting activities that involve more than 100 participants, the organiser must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan for community sporting competitions and full training activities.
  • More than one parent may attend community sporting activities if physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can be maintained between people that are not from the same household.
  • Record keeping for spectators must take place for all ticketed community sporting activities where this is practical.