Emergency road works to improve safety on Tourist Road, Bellawongarah
Published on 19 February 2021
Council has identified an urgent need to carry out emergency pipe culvert replacement works on Tourist Road 2km south of Kangaroo Valley Road from Monday 22 February until Saturday 6 March 2021, weather permitting.
The drainage crossing improvement works will increase the longevity of the pavement, improved embankment slope and a controlled drainage system for a safe road environment for the general public.
Due to the safety and depth of excavation required, and the limited work area, Tourist Road will need to be closed for a period of approximately two weeks. Work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm on weekdays and between 7.00am and 4pm on Saturdays and is expected to be completed by 6th March, weather permitting.
The road closure on Tourist Road will be localised to the work area, in front of 479 Tourist Road and no traffic will be able to pass though this worksite. Residents have been notified of the road closures and the recommended alternative routes.
Properties from no. 3 Tourist Road to no. 444 Tourist Road (plus Cambewarra Lookout Road residents) will need to travel via Moss Vale Road.
Properties from no. 479 Tourist Road to no. 655 Tourist Road will need to travel via Kangaroo Valley Road.
Shoalhaven City Council has been undertaking works in stages between October 2020 and March 2021 in the area to improve overall road safety for local residents and the wider community and to prepare for the L’Étape Cycling event. Works will be completed ahead of the L’Étape Cycling event held on 19-22 March 2021.
Council apologises for any inconvenience caused and thanks the local community for their co-operation and understanding.