Have your say on Community Wellbeing in the Shoalhaven
Published on 23 November 2020
Shoalhaven City Council is asking the community to have their say on ways to improve wellbeing in the Shoalhaven.
Council is in the process of developing a Community Wellbeing Plan for the Shoalhaven. The Shoalhaven City Council Community Wellbeing Plan will guide Council and its partners in working to improve the wellbeing of our community over the next four years (2020-2024).
An online survey is open to all Shoalhaven residents seeking ideas and initiatives to contribute to the plan.
Shoalhaven City Council’s Mayor, Amanda Findley said “Many factors affect the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
The quality of our wellbeing is created in our day to day lives. Where and how we live, work and play, the health of the environment, our income and education level, and our relationships with family and friends all have an impact on our overall wellbeing", Clr Findley said.
“The livability of a place, like the Shoalhaven, often means different things to different people depending on what their needs are. And what they feel is important to improving their quality of life.
“I encourage everyone, no matter your age, stage or where you live in the region to participate in Council's online survey. We need to hear from a range of voices within the Shoalhaven to make sure we get the broadest range of ideas”, Clr Findley stated.
Council has engaged external consultants to assist with community engagement and the development of the plan.
The plan will be developed following a review of relevant Federal, State and Local Government policy, analysis of local health and wellbeing data, engagement of the community and key stakeholders, and identifying health and wellbeing issues where Council can influence the outcomes.
The project is funded through a Federal Government grant under the Building Better Regions Fund. Council has matched these funds as a co-contribution.
A draft of the Plan will be presented to Council for their endorsement by mid-2021.
For more information, or to participate in the survey visit Council's Get Involved page.