Lake Tabourie - Planned Opening
Published on 26 November 2021
Mechanical intervention at the entrance of Tabourie Lake.
The water level at Tabourie Lake, at 8:30am on 26/11/2021, is at 1.35m AHD. In accordance with the Tabourie Lake Entrance Management Policy, and subject to the safety of the machinery operators, Council will open the Tabourie Lake entrance to the sea.
People are requested to stay outside the work area and keep away from the edges of the dug channel and eroding banks following opening as these areas are very unstable and unsafe.
It is expected that low-lying areas around the lake may be subject to some flooding. Council is reminding residents that anyone needing assistance should contact the SES on 132 500.
Flood safe information can be accessed from the SES FloodSafe website
For the latest weather forecast, visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.
For more information about Tabourie Lake management, visit the Tabourie Lake Entrance Management Review Get Involved web page.