Looking to Renovate this Summer?

Published on 09 December 2020

Older person viewing NSW Planning Portal website

Lodging a development or building approval with Council is set to become simpler and easier using the NSW Planning Portal.

The NSW Planning Portal is an online platform where the community, industry and government can work together on a single digital platform to support effective planning and decision making.

The Portal will give more control and transparency to the users over their planning applications.

Shoalhaven City Council has integrated with the NSW Planning Portal to accept and process development applications and building approvals online now.


You can apply for all Development Applications, Construction Certificates, appointments of a Principal Certifier, Occupation Certificates, Subdivision Certificates and Complying Development Certificates using the Portal.

After 31 December 2020, Shoalhaven City Council can no longer accept applications over the counter or by email. This change is in accordance with the NSW Government’s new Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Planning Portal) Regulation 2020.

You can find information on applying for a development application and building approval through the portal on Council’s website.

Find out more on the NSW Planning Portal website. 

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