Congratulations to the regional NAIDOC award winners 2023
Published on 17 August 2023
Shoalhaven City Council extends its heartfelt congratulations to all the exceptional individuals honoured at the Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards for 2023.
The Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards Ceremony is a vibrant and inspiring event that shines a spotlight on the profound impact of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and groups in Shoalhaven, Wollongong, Shellharbour and the Kiama region.
Shoalhaven’s award recipients are:
Emma McMahon’s remarkable work with the Aboriginal Programs Team at Noah's Inclusion Services has earned her the well-deserved title of Young Achiever of the Year. Emma's dedication to helping First Nations children and their families resonates deeply, as she tirelessly strives to create a brighter future for them.
Richard Ardler’s extraordinary commitment to his role at the South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation has awarded him the Community Representative of the Year. His invaluable efforts helping build programs and initiatives focused on strengthening family and community through early intervention, cultural preservation, and holistic care have left a positive mark on the region.
Uncle Tom Brown from Wreck Bay is a true artist at heart, Uncle Tom Brown's creative spirit and dedication have rightfully earned him the title of Elder of the Year. His inspiring role modelling for young men and his unique artistic expression, showcased through his beachcombing art, reflect his rich cultural heritage.
Aunty Annette Lonesborough's three decades of service at the Aboriginal Legal Service in Nowra, coupled with her approachable personality, make her a well-deserving recipient of the Elder of the Year award. Her dedication to providing guidance and support, without judgment, has left an encouraging impact on the community.