Resource recovery facility project update
Published on 26 June 2023
Options for the delivery of a resource recovery facility that diverts the maximum amount of resources from landfill, will soon be considered by Council.
Council is working through contractual issues involved in its agreement with Bioelektra Australia, who had been contracted to build and operate the facility before it went into liquidation on 15 June 2023.
While the legal process could take a number of months, it is an important part of Council’s ongoing due diligence in respect to this project.
“Whatever the outcome of the legal process, we want to ensure that we use the best option available to us to divert the greatest amount of waste from landfill,” said Mayor Amanda Findley.
“Council is recognised as a leader in the waste management field and has won multiple awards for innovation and showing initiative in recycling and reuse,” Cr Findley said.
“I’m confident that we can stay the course of finding the most suitable and efficient technologies available that will provide the best outcomes for our communities today and in the future,” she said.
Waste processing is continuing as usual with no disruption to kerbside collection services or waste management across the Shoalhaven LGA.
Council is continuing to work through the commercial, contractual and operational issues relating to the liquidation of Bioelektra Australia during the coming weeks to ensure the optimal outcome is achieved for ratepayers. A further update will be provided once Council is in a position to do so in the coming months.