SES Alert - Major Flooding Expected in the Shoalhaven River on Monday
Published on 10 August 2020
Moderate flooding is occurring along the Shoalhaven River. Major flooding is likely along the Shoalhaven River Monday early afternoon.
A number of local roads around the Shoalhaven Heads area have been impacted by flood water causing dangerous driving conditions.
The Shoalhaven River at Nowra (AHD) is likely to peak near 4.40 m around 01:00 pm Monday with major flooding.
The Shoalhaven River at Terara is likely to peak near 4.00 m around 1:00 pm Monday with major flooding.
What we are expecting:
Based on the prediction provided by the Bureau of Meteorology, it is expected the following
areas will be impacted by dangerous floodwaters:
- Floodwaters may inundate low lying areas of Terara Village, Ferry Lane, Lyrebird Drive Moss
Street, Hyam Street, Terara Road, Bolong Road and Burrier Road.
- Floodwaters in Shoalhaven Heads may impact :
- Low lying properties on the coastal side of River Road and Hay Avenue (from Holiday
Haven Caravan Park to Hay Ave Boat Ramp)
- Holiday Haven Caravan Park
- Mountain View Resort
- Tall Timbers Caravan Park
- Coastal Palms
What you need to do:
People in areas likely to be impacted by flooding:
- Collect children, pets, items to keep you warm, food, water, torch, a mobile phone, a charger,
something to attract attention and valuables like photos and important papers.
- Raise moveable items, such as furniture, as high as possible onto benches or tables, placing
electrical items on top.
- Decide if and where you and your family will evacuate and make arrangements to go to the
home of family or friends who are in a safe location away from present and potential
flooding. Take your pets with you.
- Collect or create sandbags by filling pillowcases or plastic shopping bags with sand and be
ready to place them around doorways and in toilets and over drains to prevent sewerage
- Stock up on water, canned goods, batteries, fuel, gas, medicines, baby necessities and pet
- Avoid storm drains and pipes, ditches, ravines and rivers. Never drive, walk, ride through,
play or swim in floodwater?it is dangerous and toxic. If it's flooded, forget it.
With a Major Flood Warning you may see:
- Major Road closures visit live traffic
- Likely loss of utilities (power, water, sewer) in some areas
- Large areas of rural land, low lying homes and businesses flooded
- Flooding which causes inundation of extensive rural areas, with properties, villages and towns isolated and/or appreciable urban areas flooded.
Farmers and businesses are encouraged to:
- Move pumps, animals and equipment to higher ground before roads close and organise for
sufficient stock feed and water for your animals.
- Move poisons, waste and chemicals to high storage locations.
- Gather important business documents and records and keep them with you.
Schools are encouraged to:
- Make contact to clarify changes in attendance or closures.
The elderly, children, and people who need support:
- Carers: contact then arrange for those in your care to move to a safer place.
- Medical Facilities: ensure your staff and residents move to a safer place.
Safety is your highest priority - Never drive, walk or play in flood waters.
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In
life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.
Latest River Heights:
Shoalhaven River at Hillview 7.82 Falling 05:30 AM MON 10/08/20
Kangaroo River at Hampden Bridge 5.72 Falling 05:26 AM MON 10/08/20
Shoalhaven River at Nowra (AHD) 4.10 Steady 05:27 AM MON 10/08/20
Shoalhaven River at Terara 3.84 Steady 05:30 AM MON 10/08/20
For more information:
- Listen to your local ABC radio station, follow /NSWSES on Facebook or
- Latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights:
- Road Closures: , 131 701 or contact Shoalhaven City Council.
Critical Information to remember:
- Never drive, ride or walk through floodwater.
- Stack possessions, records, stock or equipment on benches and tables, placing electrical items on top.
- Secure objects that are likely to float and cause damage.
- Relocate waste containers, chemicals and poisons well above floor level.
- Activate your Home or Business FloodSafe Plan.
- Keep listening to your local radio station for information, updates and advice.
- Keep in contact with your neighbours.
- Be prepared to evacuate if advised by emergency services.
- Act early as roads may become congested or close.
The next SES bulletin will be issued by 9:30am on Monday 10th August 2020.