SES Alert - Moderate Flood Bulletin

Published on 27 July 2020

Important Update.jpg

 The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted that the Sussex Inlet will peak at 1.10m metres at the Sussex Inlet gauge at 02:00 Tuesday 28th July 2020. This will cause moderate flooding in and around Sussex Inlet.

 The current River height at the Sussex Inlet gauge at 04:10pm is 0.99 metres and is rising.

 What we are expecting:

Based on the prediction provided by the Bureau of Meteorology it is expected the following areas will be impacted by dangerous floodwaters:

  • Low lying areas along the Inlet, including caravan parks, roads and properties and their dwellings
  • Jacobs Drive leading into and out of Sussex Inlet and River Road on either side of the Badgee Bridge and many other local roads will be impacted

 What you need to do:

People in areas likely to be impacted by flooding should act now to prepare properties for flooding:

  • Stay up to date with information. Listen to flood warnings and follow the advice on how to protect yourself, family and property - see below for ways to stay informed
  • Pack essential items in waterproof bag: food, water, warm clothes, medications, valuables, important documents, toys for children in case you need to leave
  • Prepare and crate your pets so you always know where they are
  • Clean up yards and secure moveable objects such as trampolines, BBQs and outdoor furniture
  • Check on your family, friends and neighbours and share this information

 Farmers and rural property owners should move pumps, other equipment and livestock away from rising waters.

 Motorists should never drive through flood waters, which may have washed away road surfaces and could be deeper or faster-flowing than they look.

 Safety is your highest priority - Never drive, walk or play in flood waters.

 For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.

 Latest River Heights for the Sussex Inlet:

  • Tomerong Creek  17.32  Steady  03:48 PM MON 27/07/20
  • St George Basin at Island Point Road  0.93  Rising  03:33 PM MON 27/07/20
  • Sussex Inlet  0.99  Falling  03:16 PM MON 27/07/20

 For more information:


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