Shoalhaven City Council have recently completed floodlight works on 17 sportsgrounds across the Shoalhaven, with the project including an upgrade of the switching controls to allow floodlight operation via a phone-based system.
The floodlight controller works totalled $192,200, funded by a NSW State Government grant of $122,203 with Council co-contributing $69,997 towards the project.
Mayor Amanda Findley was impressed with the new floodlight controller installations, bringing to a total of 30 Shoalhaven sporting complexes now using the controllers.
“The phone-based control system allows users to operate the floodlights by sending a text message to the floodlight controller, offering a safer way for sportsground users to access the floodlights,” Clr Findley said.
“The new system will also allow Council to monitor usage data which will assist in the planning of future sportsfield requirements, ensuring facility and service-based decisions are made utilising real, relevant Shoalhaven-based data.”
“I thank the NSW Government for continuing to support our community, by allowing Shoalhaven City Council to improve community facilities and services for its residents and visitors.” Clr Findley said.
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