Your city, your say - help shape the future of the Shoalhaven

Published on 03 March 2025

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Proud and passionate Shoalhaven residents are invited to help shape the future of the city by providing feedback that will inform the Community Strategic Plan 2035 (CSP).  

The CSP reflects the community’s vision for the Shoalhaven over the next 10 years by setting goals and priorities for the city and outlining how they will be achieved. 

The plan also identifies outcomes to ensure the community’s vision can be realised.   

“While Council takes a lead role in developing and implementing the CSP, it is everyone's responsibility to help make our collective vision for the city a reality,” said Mayor Patricia White.  

“The CSP is an aspirational document, that expresses the community’s wishes for the future of our city. It’s the highest order strategy that Council has and as such, sets the direction of our decisions for the next four years,” Cr White said. 

“It’s vital that we hear from as many people as possible to understand their desires for the Shoalhaven to ensure we can continue to make decisions that their aspirations,” she said.  

“Whether people value a thriving local economy, a safe community, more green space, greater recognition of Aboriginal culture or better facilities for young people – now is the time to tell us what matters most. 

Interested community members will be able to outline their vision for the Shoalhaven by completing an online survey via Council’s Get Involved webpage until 30 March 2025. 

Pop-up information stalls will also be held at the below times and locations: 

  • Bay and Basin Leisure Centre: 10am to 12pm Wednesday 12 March
  • Nowra Plaza: 5pm to 7pm Thursday 20 March  
  • Ulladulla Library: 10am to 12pm Tuesday 25 March. 

Workshops will be held with Council’s Advisory Committees and an online industry workshop to ensure diverse views from the community are captured during the engagement period. 

Residents will also have an opportunity to submit photos that represent the lifestyle, facilities and activities they value most about the Shoalhaven, as part of feedback for the consultation program. 

Council is required to review and update a CSP every four years under the NSW Government’s legislated, ‘Integrated planning and reporting (IP&R) framework.’ 

The CSP will be updated based on the feedback and drafted for Council’s endorsement and community feedback in May. 

To learn more about the CSP or to provide feedback, visit the Get Involved website.  

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