Community Consultative Bodies (CCBs) are resident representative groups that:
- Are endorsed by Council as the representative group for residents and ratepayers in a given area
- Have geographic boundaries covering an area with a common interest
CCBs have the general support and confidence of the local community to:
- Disperse information
- Promote and facilitate discussion
- Communicate shared and collective views of the community to Council
The Community Consultative Body Guidelines (CCB Guidelines) outline how to apply to become a CCB, administration processes and Council’s requirements.
Several Shoalhaven communities have undertaken various forms of community led planning, which has resulted in the development of community plans for particular towns and villages. Each plan has been carried out in a different way and contains different, themes, actions and focus. The community led plans listed have been acknowledged by Council and are utilised as part of Council’s overall community engagement strategy and assists in determining community priorities and needs.
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