Natural Area Volunteers Group

Apply to be a member

Council welcomes applications from active Bushcare volunteers to be a part of the Natural Area Volunteers Group.

Please refer to the Terms of Reference, and Application Form for more details.

To discuss applying, please feel free to contact Council’s Bushcare Coordinator on (02) 4429 3592.


The purpose of the Natural Area Volunteers Group is to act as an advisory and representative group on all matters relating to the future directions of the Bushcare Policy and program.

Committee's Role

To meet the ‘Purpose’ above, the Group will advise Council on strategic matters pertaining to the Bushcare Program.

This will include policies, procedures, resourcing, natural resources management, environmental restoration and preservation techniques and plans, and community and volunteer stakeholder engagement.

Natural Area volunteer groups include those managed under Council’s Bushcare program that predominantly work on Community Land categorised as ‘Natural Area’ (Local Government Act 1993). These include Bushcare, Dunecare and similar groups.