Shoalhaven Traffic Committee

The Shoalhaven Traffic Committee is a technical review committee, not a committee of Council.

Purpose & Delegated Authority

  • To ensure proposed road and traffic facilities conform to current standards and best practice
  • Make recommendation to Council on items relating to traffic facilities, signage and line marking within the Shoalhaven as delegated by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) under the Transport Administration Act 1988 (Section 50)
  • View a guide to the delegation to Council’s for the regulation of traffic
  • Note: All signage and line marking plans requiring STC approval should be submitted to Council a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the STC meeting


There are four formal members of the Traffic Committee. The members are representatives from:

  • NSW Police Force
  • Transport for NSW (TfNSW)
  • Shoalhaven City Council
  • Local State Member of Parliament

The Shoalhaven Traffic Committee (STC) is held on the second Tuesday of each month. The committee subsequently provides recommendations to the following Council Ordinary meeting for their consideration.