Koloona Drive Bridge - Bangalee - Bridge Replacement

Work involves the construction of two-lane bridge and associated roadworks to replace the existing timber bridge along Koloona Drive over Bangalee Creek, Bangalee. The work involves installing a pre-formed steel and cast-in-situ concrete bridge using the InQuik system. The majority of funding is from the NSW Fixing Country Bridges program.

  • Public access
  • Reduced speed
  • Where Koloona Drive, Bangalee 2540
  • Estimated completion date04 April 2023
  • Project StatusCompleted
  • Last reviewed 07 June 2023

The latest

07.06.2023 - The construction of the road and bridge is now complete. Council would like to thank the road users for their patience during this project.

About the works

21-01-2022 - Koloona bridge funding signs erected.jpg


 Koolona 3.jpg      Koolona 3.jpg   Koolona 4.jpg


Project updates

  • 07/06/2023/ -  Work on the road and bridge is finally finished. Now that all of the bridge and related roadwork has been finished satisfactorily. Council expresses gratitude to the Public for their patience. Shoalhaven City Council and TfNSW both contributed financially to the project as part of the Fixing Country Bridges initiative.
  • 04.04.23 - The final asphalt road wearing surface has been placed and steel crash barriers installed. Remaining items of work to be completed include road edge line marking and seeding of batters.
  • 12/1/2023 - This week, the bitumen sealing of the new bridge's road approaches was finished. The last layer of asphalt will be applied after the bitumen has "cured" for a few weeks, but before the steel crash barriers and line marking are installed.
  • 24/12/2022 - Prior to Christmas and the contractor's well-earned vacation, the site underwent a thorough clean-up and the final layer of road base was laid. While the concrete for the second half of the bridge deck is being allowed to dry, just one lane of traffic is permitted to cross the bridge. Before the final asphalt layer is laid, the bitumen road surface will be installed in late January.
  • 22/12/2022 - Traffic has now been rerouted to the new bridge's first half (Stage 1). The old timber bridge has been carefully disassembled to recover and reuse much of the timber deck. Work will now commence on placing the second half (Stage 2) of the prefabricated abutment formwork.
  • 17/11/2022 - The second half of November will see the start of new bridge construction. The approaches will undergo construction in order to redirect traffic onto the newly constructed bridge segment. A new bridge segment has been finished. The old bridge will be destroyed once traffic has been switched to the new one in order to finish building the new one.
  • 07/11/2022 - Work on the north-western retaining wall has been progressing well. The concrete base slab was completed and now the concrete blocks are being laid and filled with concrete before the rain arrives for a few days.
  • 28/09/2022 -Work on the north-western retaining wall has been progressing well. The concrete base slab was completed and now the concrete blocks are being laid and filled with concrete before the rain arrives for a few days.
  • 19/9/2022 - Excellent progress was achieved this week with stabilisation work on the North / Western creek bank. Rock scour protection was placed below water level. Steel reinforcement was fixed and concrete was placed in the base slab for the retaining wall.
  • 16/09/2022 - Installation of steel piles for a proposed retaining wall along the bank of North Western Creek has been finished. Rock scour protection is now being implemented along the South Western bank.
  • 02/09/2022 - Piling driving has commenced. This involves pounding the heavy steel "H" section steel "piles" through the 3 metre deep soil and onto the rock below. These steel piles are designed to support the weight of the concrete bridge abutments, deck, and traffic.
  • 28/08/2022 - Work on the bridge project commenced this week on the 24th August 2022. Traffic management and tree removal were the first tasks to be start this week before surveyor’s place pegs next week to set out exactly where the new bridge and road approaches will be positioned.
  • 28/04/2022 - Design Completed
  • 21/04/2022 - Koloona Bridge funding signs have been put in place at the site.
  • 16/04/2022 - Tender Awarded to GC Civil P/L 





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