Request to make a deputation

A ‘deputation’ is when a person, or a representative of a group of people, appears personally to address a Council meeting on a specific matter.

When applying to make a deputation, you need to advise which agenda item you are speaking to and whether you are speaking 'for' or 'against' the recommendation contained in the report.

Important information

  • deputations are only allowed in relation to the topics (items) listed on the agenda for that meeting
  • this request form must be submitted no later than 9:30 AM on the day of the meeting

Steps to request

Before you start

Step 1.Plan ahead

Deputation request forms must be submitted by 9:30AM on the day of the meeting.

Step 2.View upcoming meeting dates

Upcoming meetings are listed on our upcoming meetings page. Agendas for upcoming meetings are listed on the agendas and minutes page.

Step 3.Find the number and name of the agenda item

You can find the item number and name for the subject you want to speak on in the agenda for that meeting.

The item number will look like a series of letters and numbers, e.g. 'CL19.2xx' or ''.

The item name will be the descriptive title of the agenda item.

How to request

Complete the online form

Click here to view form.

What happens next

Step 1.Your request will be considered by the Chairperson of the meeting

An application may be refused if it's determined that it doesn't comply with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

Step 2.We will contact you with the outcome of your request

A Council representative will contact you by phone or email advising if your application has been successful.

Need help?

Need help? Contact us today

Call the Governance Team on 1300 293 111 or visit your closest administration centre.

Nowra Administration Centre
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
36 Bridge Road, Nowra NSW 2541

Ulladulla Branch Office
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
14 Deering Street, Ulladulla NSW 2539

Frequently asked questions

Who can make a deputation?

Making a deputation is voluntary, and anyone can apply to make a deputation to a meeting.

However, an application may be refused if it's determined that it doesn't comply with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

How much time will I have to speak?

Each speaker is allocated five (5) minutes to speak.

Deputations will usually be heard at the beginning of the meeting after the formalities are completed.

Councillors may ask speakers questions following the deputation.

Are there any rules for speaking at the meeting?

Rules for deputations are outlined in Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

A summary of the speaking rules are as follows:

  • you may apply to speak on any Council related matter if it is listed on the agenda of that meeting
  • an individual or representative group is only permitted to address Council or Committee once on an issue except where a formal resolution is passed permitting a deputation on the basis that new material has been presented, and in this case the comments are limited to that new material
  • deputations will be limited to one speaker For and one speaker Against each item, except in extenuating circumstances
  • where an organisation or group is granted permission to address a meeting, one main spokesperson is to be nominated
  • where more than one request is received to address a meeting, either For or Against a proposal, the individuals and/or groups involved are encouraged to appoint one representative to present a joint submission
  • presentations should be courteous and concise
  • electronic presentations to be displayed at the meeting should be emailed to the Governance Team

Is there anything I can't say at the meeting?

  • your comments must be relevant to the issue at hand (i.e. they must stay on-topic)
  • you must refrain from making personal comments or criticisms or revealing any private, sensitive or privileged information
  • you may not make insulting or defamatory statements
  • you may not make personal allegations against Councilors and/or staff or be disrespectful. If/when such statements are made the deputation will cease and the individual will be asked to leave the meeting
  • speakers do not have absolute privilege
  • a speaker who makes any offensive or defamatory remarks about another person may be personally liable for their actions

Are Council meetings recorded?

Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public.

Your attendance at the meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.

  • the Ordinary meetings are streamed online
  • meetings may be recorded and broadcast by external media organisations, such as Radio 2UUU