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Published on 05 June 2020

Household Waste Disposal Voucher Extension.jpg


Shoalhaven City Council is pleased to announce the extension of 2019-2020 household waste disposal vouchers, which will now expire on 30 September 2020.  

The extension follows the disruptions resulting from Covid-19 restrictions preventing some residents accessing Council’s Waste Services depots. The move aims to allow an extended period for Shoalhaven ratepayers to arrange their waste disposal. 

Council understands community concerns regarding the reduced opportunity for waste disposal in recent weeks and the voucher extension will help alleviate any unnecessary surge of customers at Councils waste depots attempting to use waste disposal vouchers before the original July deadline. 

Vouchers can be redeemed at any of Council’s Recycling and Waste Depots. Social distancing measures continue to apply, and staff appreciate customer patience as the distancing measures may result in delays onsite.  

Waste disposal vouchers can also be used for booking Council’s convenient on-call Green & Bulky collection service. 

For the latest information on Shoalhaven’s Recycling and Waste Depots visit serach Recycling and Waste Depots.